Editor’s Note: I have been threatened with physical abuse by several close friends if I write another Western radio saga. At the same time, I have resuscitated an old Facebook page of mine to promote this website, and I wanna see if the “auto post” thingy is working. So, you know,…content.
I had a blast this week writing (and in one case producing) commercials for Aaron in our Chadron office. First, I was asked to create a rap for a local decorating store. I wrote the rap and recorded a “demo”. Sometimes it’s easier for people to get what you’re going for if they have something to hear. I’m not sure hearing this made anything easier:
Hachi Machi! Fortunately, I was able to procure the services of someone with real gangsta skills, known now and forever as The Masked Rapper (GONG!). This is a fellow who does other things besides rapping for a living and so his name is withheld to protect the wack.
I kinda thought my Grandma was a little funnier. But to paraphrase noted “Wild And Out” panelist William Shakespeare, the rap’s the thing.
Next, I got to write a silly commercial for a furniture store. They had a great idea–that we somehow involve a Clint Eastwood type hero and his famed tag line, and also sell some mattresses in there somewhere. I relied on The Mighty K-Cow Art Players, Mike Glesinger as the Chief and the reliably awesome Kalin Krohe as Dirty Harry…or an Italian cowboy. We kind of have our cake and eat it too here.
And that’s me doing the two different announcer parts. Pat Buttram, we salute you! Also, this commercial earned me a 6-pack of Cokes! Hooray for shameless bribery!