It’s another blog post spotlighting some of my recent efforts in radio advertising. I’m running out of headlines, if that isn’t apparent.
We start this time with Keep Alliance Beautiful. KAB uses their commercial air time to deliver friendly reminders about recycling, trash cleanup, etc. Since material is repeated, and it’s important to enrobe an important message in a shiny wrapper, a humorous (one hopes) approach is used.
My thanks to special guest bongo player Mike Glesinger.
Next, it’s our friends Greg and Lisa at Carter’s Home Hardware and Appliance. This first ad, for their “Black Tuesday” sale, is done the way most of their commercials are. We roll tape (virtual tape) and, through improvisations and back-and-forth, they just sort of find the commercial. My job is to take anywhere from 5 to 25 minutes of audio and whittle it down to 30 seconds:
Here’s another Carter’s commercial–one that hasn’t even aired on the radio yet! It’s a exclusive. For the Christmas ad I wrote the script. But the attitude is still loose and off-the-cuff. When Greg and Lisa come to record it’s always lots of fun, lots of laughs.
And last but not least: KCOW’s Jingle Cash contest is off and running. I wrote and produced this set of promos. And I am in most of them. I like that these promos are 100% our Alliance radio gang. Most of the commercials we air are voiced by folks in other markets within Eagle Radio. For something like this, I decided familiar voices (even in character) would nicely match the homey feeling of the holiday season.