Hey! I have some really talented friends. And I wanna share their talent with you.
Take Pat Adriance–I met Pat at SUNY Brockport in 1994, but really got to know him in the summer of ’95. This means we have been friends for nearly a quarter of a century. Sweet Jesus.
Anyway, Pat is an incredibly talented cartoonist. He did this doodle of me a couple of decades ago:

(That’s totally how I looked in 1999.) So, in addition to drawing me, Pat is now drawing everything and anything on his YouTube channel, Watch Dad Draw.
It is so cool to see how a drawing comes together….Pat draws cats, robots, monsters, and all manner of creatures. He has yet to draw me on his YouTube channel but then, I’m not nearly as cool as a robot.
If you don’t have the kind of time to invest in watching Jeff Goldblum choke down increasingly hot chicken wings for 27 minutes, then hit the link above and watch Pat draw something in 37 seconds.
Wait, waaaaittt, ’99 was two decades ago?
I don’t get that math either T2H. It’s like, inconceivable.