One year ago this month I launched “” as the official destination for….stuff. Mostly stuff I’m involved in or obsessed with.

In the first year of this here blog I have produced 110 posts. Among the more abundant categories are health updates (everything’s great now, thanks); new radio commercials I’ve been working on; old radio projects brought forth from the broadcasting morgue; old scripts likewise exhumed; and a variety of oddball editorials on subjects ranging from french fries to social media.

In my first year I did one shameless promotional stunt, “Salad Week”, which did indeed draw a little bit more interest than usual to the blog. I’m not sure having to eat salad for a week was worth it. 2020’s theme week will be something more palatable like “Ice Cream Week” or “Steak Week.”
In celebration of the blog-a-versary I had one of those word cloud things created. It’s…underwhelming.

I’m not quite sure how “radio” is one of the tiniest-type words when it’s literally 98% of what I write about here. The option was available to change words around but that seemed deceptive. I run an honest blog, don’t want no trouble here! (I like how “Salad Week” has substantially skewed the word cloud.)

I do enjoy writing, and I try to keep the pace up here…knowing that I’m paying for the domain name helps, and getting a premium SoundCloud account is letting me post all kinds of old audio for the 2-and-a-half people who will listen. (I count myself as 1-and-a-half.) One final note: I don’t share everything I post, because I don’t want to be an annoyance on Facebook (not counting Kalin, I treasure being an annoyance to him). So you may find something of interest if you root around here.
Happy Blogaversary….i enjoy your writing big time, always looking forward to your next one…keep it up!