Last weekend I wrote about buying a couple of bootleg CDs of concerts I attended long ago. And I shared some memories about seeing Paul McCartney at Denver’s Pepsi Center (now the not-Pepsi-anymore Center) in 2005.
This weekend, I am back to review the other bootleg I purchased: July, 2012! Red Rocks! Beach Boys! Allllllllllllllllllll the Beach Boys! (Who were alive at the time.)
The McCartney CD set boasted its status as “an original soundboard recording.” Which it was. It sounded for all the world like a professionally mastered “live album”. The Beach Boys…not so much. Ah well, you pays your money and takes your chances. Here’s the cover:
It’s recorded from the audience on consumer equipment. But you know what? I listened to all 3 CDs and it was pretty darn enjoyable with some caveats. Primary among these is The Shouter. Does anyone sober and/or…ehhh…unmedicated do this at a concert?
This same fellow had a loud conversation with someone going to buy beer.
“FAT….YEAH, FAT TIRE! IT’S $7.50!”
Okay, so the bootleg is flawed. But it took me back to a wonderful concert experience…The Beach Boys 50th Anniversary Tour, with Mike Love, Al Jardine, Bruce Johnston, David Marks, and Brian freaking WIlson. The original plan was for Kalin Krohe, Jeremy “Mr. Kite” Fifield and me to see this show. But Kroheim von Dakotaheim was living in Mitchell, SD back then and transportationally-challenged. Also transportationally challenged: Mr. Kite and me. Neither of us drive for different but valid reasons. So the configuration ended up being Jeremy, his Cousin Mitch and me, escorted by Jeremy’s grandpa.
Note: I feel really sad that Kalin didn’t get to come to the concert with just wasn’t good timing. On the other hand, he’s actually MET the Beach Boys. And Fife has met Brian Wilson AND Paul McCartney!!
I’ve met Joe Franklin and Mel Torme. *coff*
Anyway, resuming the story…we took a cab from Denver to Red Rocks. We had lots of time to wander around and stare at its natural beauty.
The concert was stunning. A setlist of 51 songs (they’re all 2 minutes!) assured that everyone’s favorite was included. From car songs to beach songs to romance to “Pet Sounds”–OH! Brian Wilson sang “I Just Wasn’t Made For These Times”. And it was beautiful.
They played songs from their then-new album “That’s Why God Made The Radio” including the title track, which I just love:
This was a very special experience, the 50th anniversary show. Primarily because certain of the group reeeeeeeeeally don’t get along. This tour (and the album, and all the TV appearances to promote same) represented an epic accomplishment in hatchet-burying. The band’s 60th anniversary is rolling around in 2022. I’m not holding my breath.
Now, there WAS an official “live album” of the 50th tour. But it wasn’t our show. With one exception….it comes towards the end…