None of these things individually qualify for a blog post. But put them all together! And… still really doesn’t qualify as a full blog post. Nevertheless, I’m paying for this blog and I gotta generate content. So, content ahoy!
-In a previous blog post, which I did not share on Facebook or promote in any way, I discussed my desire to lose a little weight. I’m 146 pounds which is…well, for my height, it’s on the way to problematic. So this week began the de-junkening. No Pop-Tarts, no snack cakes, no cakes or cookies or the like. I’m allowing myself a Coke or two a week (some habits are impossible to break). The first week has gone well. I had a single taco at Mi Ranchito Wednesday night, and three slices of pizza Friday night. The only sweets I’m allowing myself at this point are the aforementioned Cokes and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I know this isn’t enough. I have to walk more, and try to actually look at how many calories are in things. I had no idea an Everything Bagel had so many calories. Do they make “Only Some Of The Things” bagels?
-Relating to food. I am not a doomsday prepper. I’m not…good at prepping, generally speaking. But if I was to have an “end of days” cabinet, that sucker would be filled with Cup Noodles. Do you know they have teriyaki flavors now? Delicious! And the classic chicken Cup Noodle, well you can’t go wrong with that. Sometimes all you want is noodles and chicken broth. And I don’t know how to make soup.
-So, am I only the person who does the following: You’re watching TV, maybe an awards show or some sort of music special or what-have-you…and as a particular recording artist or band performs you get a little excited feeling because you saw them in concert. Just me? Okay. I was watching a DVD of an old “Hullaballoo” episode and Johnny Rivers came on…I saw him! In concert! He was great!
-Hey! My pal Dangerous Dave and I are making 2022 The Year Our Internet Radio Shenanigans Take Over The World. In the first 3 1/2 months of the year we’ve produced 8 episodes of our various series. (We’ve had years where just getting one show done was a major accomplishment.) I’ve plugged these like a madman here so I’m just going to share the links to our two newest episodes–our comedy-variety “Dog And Pony Show” and the premiere of our rebooted “Golden Girls Radio Hour.”
-I need to pay attention to the measurements of things I buy online. And no, this doesn’t have to do with my weight loss crusade. I bought a Coca-Cola collectible jukebox.

It’s super neat. It lights up, changes colors, and when you wind it up in the back it plays “Hound Dog.”
Now, for some reason, I was expecting something about the size of, oh, let’s say, a smaller cookie jar. Well…you might be able to fit a single Oreo in this thing if you licked all the creme off first.

I don’t want to tell you what I paid for this thing. That’s not a brag. That’s an admission of incalculable stupidity. (Of course, The Spendthrifington Exchange or The Rockefeller Mint or whoever makes these things could certainly include a picture of the item next to, oh let’s say a bottle of tea. Unsweetened.)
I mean, it’s Coke. And it’s a jukebox. So I love it. But the size thing frustrates me. A lesson learned, one hopes.