Last June my good friend David Kuskie and I went to Denver on a little jaunt. (Fewer than 4 days is a “jaunt”; 5 or more days is a “vacation”.)
It was a marvelous trip! We went to a huge arcade bar (not to be confused with Arcade Fire) and played all the way through the original Simpsons arcade game. (I was Marge. Dave was Bart.) We went to Mile High Comics and I engaged in a splendid bit of restraint by not spending more than 20 or 30 bucks. We spent some time at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, and saw a swell IMAX movie about the roots of contemporary music.
And then. Then! We saw…

The Monkees. We saw The Monkees. Okay, we saw 2 of them. It was the Mike (Nesmith) and Micky (Dolenz) Show. I would have been thrilled to see Peter Tork along for the ride, especially in the wake of his passing. But 2 out of three living Monkees is nothing to sneeze at. (At this point I would mention that I got to interview Davy Jones on my morning show some years ago. But everyone reading this probably already knows that.)
I took some shaky video at the show…have a look (or better yet, close your eyes and listen):